Сокращение | Значение |
AA | Always Afloat |
AAAA | Always Accessible Always Afloat |
AAOSA | Always Afloat or Safe Aground. Condition for a vessel whilst in port |
AARA | Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam Area |
ABAFT | Toward the rear (stern) of the ship. Behind. |
ABOARD | On or within the ship |
ABOVE DECK | On the deck (not over it - see ALOFT) |
ABT | About |
ADCOM | Address Commission |
ADDENDUM | Additional chartering terms at the end of a charter party |
AFSPS | Arrival First Sea Pilot Station (Norway) |
AFFREIGHTMENT | The hiring of a ship in whole or part |
AFT | At or towards the stern or rear of a ship |
AGROUND | Touching or fast to the bottom |
AGW | All Going Well |
AHL | Australian Hold Ladders |
AIDS TO NAVIGATION | Artificial objects to supplement natural landmarks indicating safe and unsafe waters |
ALOFT | Above the deck of the ship |
AMIDSHIPS | In or toward the centre of the ship |
ANCHORAGE | A place suitable for anchorage in relation to the wind, seas and bottom |
ANTHAM | Antwerp-Hamburg Range |
APS | Arrival Pilot Station |
ARAG | Amsterdam-Rotterdam--Antwerp-Gent Range |
ARBItrATION | Method of settling disputes which is usually binding on parties. A clause usually in a charter party |
A/S | Alongside |
ASBA | American Shipbrokers Association |
ASPW | Any Safe Port in the World |
ASTERN | In the back of the ship, opposite of ahead |
AtdNSHINC | Any Time Day/Night Sundays and Holidays Included |
ATHWARTSHIPS | At right angles to the centreline of the ship |
ATUTC | Actual Times Used to Count |