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 Грузоперевозки и экспедирование / Информация / Морские термины (W)


Словарь морских терминов на W

WATERLINEA line painted on a hull which shows the point to which a ship sinks when it is properly trimmed
WAYMovement of a ship through water such as headway, sternway or leeway
WCCONWhether Customs Cleared Or Not
WIBONWhether In Berth Or Not
WIFPONWhether In Free Pratique Or Not
WINDWARDToward the direction from which the wind is coming
WIPONWhether In Port Or Not
WLTOHCWater Line-To-Hatch Coaming
WOGWithout Guarantee
WPWeather Permitting. That time during which weather prevents working shall not count as laytime
WPDWeather Permitting Day
WWDWeather Working Day
WRICWire Rods In Collis
WWRWhen, Where Ready
WWWWWibon, Wccon, Wifpon, Wipon
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